We asked faculty from Crete, Lincoln and Omaha to recommend graduating seniors in spring '22 who stood out in their classes. These students — our Featured Tigers — are just a few of the many talented and driven leaders from Doane's undergraduate and graduate programs. View all Featured Tigers here.
Let’s get started: tell us your name, your hometown, your degree program and some of the activities you participated in at Doane.
Patrick Neff
Hometown is Omaha, NE, where he attended Millard North High School
Neff has completed his Master of Business Administration.
First off — congratulations! How do you feel as you head into the next phase of your life?
I feel happy and more prepared than ever to be able to make an impact at my organization. The leadership skills and knowledge that I've gathered during the previous two years are immeasurably valuable.
What’s your next step after graduation?
I will continue on my leadership journey with the current organization that I work with and expect that the skills and knowledge I've gained will help me to take the next step on the career ladder where I can continue to build my legacy.
How has attending Doane prepared you for your next steps?
The course work, learnings, and discussions have greatly contributed to my strategic interpersonal and decision-making skills. They also truly opened my eyes to strategies and considerations for an ever-growing remote and international workforce.
What do you consider the best part of your Doane experience?
I love that I was able to be a part of a program and experience that means so much to my family.
What is something you’re proud of achieving or accomplishing while at Doane?
I'm very proud that I was able to maintain a perfect 4.0 while balancing many personal and work responsibilities.
Who was a major influence for you during your education here, and how have they helped you?
My leadership at work was extremely engaged and encouraging of the MBA program. The fact that I was also able to follow in their footsteps is special to me.
What will you miss the most about being a Doane student?
The interactions. You would think that having had to complete most of my program online that discussions and interactions would have been stale and robotic, but it was quite the opposite. I will miss a lot of the thought-provoking discussions that happened.
What advice would you give to incoming students?
Time management is key. Come up with a plan or routine and stick to that routine. Work in chunks, and set small milestones or goals along the way. Progress, not perfection.
Finishing a degree is tough to begin with, but especially so in recent years — what has helped you overcome the challenges of the past three semesters?
Having a strong support system in place and being flexible.
Finally — what are you most excited about for your future?
To leave my own leadership legacy on the world, no matter how big or small that may be.